Sunday, April 21, 2013

things I miss + update

Hello you guys~! hows it going?

So today was meh and yeah, started think about things I used to really enjoy and miss doing.
Like I miss painting in acrylics; I miss the feel of a brush roughly dragging on the uneven canvas surface and having to wait for the paint to dry to see how much the color changes (for some reason acrylics seem to dry a lot darker than when its first applied :x ) and also ruining my favorite clothes looking like an artsy douche with paint all on my clothes lol.
and I miss playing guitar and piano its been ages I think I forgot everything I used to know how to play. lol I dunno why I have done those things in a long time and I kinnda miss it :/ I think I'm gonna take some time to finish the paintings that are gathering dust in my closet. I would like to show you guys some of my traditional stuff anyways, I think it'd be nice.
heres some of my realllllly really old paintings. I'd thought i'd share 'cause sharing is caring ;) lol 

     and i also miss karaoke T_____T

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