Friday, April 5, 2013

update + work in progress

hey you guys hows life?
sorry for going dead. i promise to be more active on this thing. so much has happened (good and bad) thats it's hard to keep updating this :( 
from now on I shall make this more of a priority!

oh and i'm looking for freelance gigs for illustration or character design, if you guys know of any please send them my way => 

so heres a character I'm developing for my friend.  
started with 9 thumbnails for hime to pick he chose 3 (he said 2, 5 and 7 matched the most) that best represented the character... look at all thos beautiful thumbs (yea right)... i'm so messy.
so i started on thumb number 7~!

                                                   his face = too cool for skool xD

                                                doing a variation in his armor and outfit and weapons, yep...

                                                 this guy shall be done shortly.
                                          anyhoo I hope you guys have a great weekend!

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