Tuesday, August 20, 2013

a simple tip

I've been under the weather lately, so, I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile you guys. but I am making my recovery, so I shall be updating more frequently now.
When I am sick I tend to run into problems regarding drawing and painting, like forgetting how I do things or just have a art block, so what I remember from some art advice video was to draw and keep drawing. 
don't know what to study? pick something random and study it. that simple. Just don't stop drawing and trying to learn 'cause the longer you stop the worse off you'll become and the more stuck you will be inturn. but if you continue to draw and study you'll get over your art block and things you forgot how to do will come rushing back to you. 
so you guys if y'all are stuck with art (drawing/painting etc.) don't give up just draw everything, and anything. 
don't despair- inspiration and ideas will come to you if you work hard never give up! :)
best of luck.  くじけないで。